Rise in tooth extractions, due to the use of Sugary drinks in baby bottles

Small children are having large numbers of teeth extracted because of decay caused by drinking fruit juice and squash from bottles and feeding cups, according to Public Health England (PHE).

The watchdog is calling for under-threes to be given only milk and water to drink after the findings of the first nationwide survey into their dental health.

Overall, 12% of three year-olds have some tooth decay, but in some parts of the UK the proportion rises to a third, the study shows. “As a country, we should be ashamed,” said Dr Sandra White, PHE’s director of dental health, who described the findings as shocking.

Filling bottles and sipping cups with juice or squash, which tend to contain large quantities of sugar, is a particular problem because the sweetened liquid coats the back of the front teeth, causing them to rot. The decay can then spread to the child’s other teeth.

Some children have had most of their teeth removed by the dentist, which is often stigmatising and can affect the growth of their adult teeth, the PHE found. “People still put sugar in milk and [many] children have sugared drinks as well,” White said. “They sometimes fall asleep with sugary drinks in a bottle in their mouth.”

By the age of five, dental decay and fillings are more common in those from more deprived areas, but at age three, there is a greater spread, PHE found.

More affluent parents tended to think fruit juice is good for their small children, according to the study. “People have thought they were doing the right thing fruit juice is part of the five-a-day and has vitamins. But it is stacked with sugar. Parents are trying to do the best, but sometimes they don’t know the best thing to do. In some more affluent areas, there is almost a feeling of reassurance that if something is organic, it is fine. But it is still sugar and causing decay,” White said.

PHE is advising parents to reduce the amount of sugar they give their children for the sake of their teeth and to avoid putting on excess weight. They should not add sugar to weaning foods or liquids. Babies and small children should drink only water and milk and should stop using a bottle at 12 months. PHE also recommends giving children sugar-free medicines.

The survey shows the highest rates of dental decay in three year-olds are in the East Midlands, followed by the north west, London, and then Yorkshire and the Humber. Three year-olds with tooth decay have an average of three missing, decayed or filled teeth. In Gloucestershire 2% of children had tooth decay; Leicester had the highest rate at 34%.

Fluoridated water helps prevent decay, but only 10% of the country has the chemical added to its supply. Parents should use fluoride toothpaste for their children, PHE says. A smear is sufficient for under-threes, with a pea-sized amount for older children.

Parents should also help and supervise their children while they brush their teeth twice a day, including before bed.

The recommendations are not just for parents but for those who care for small children when parents are at work, including grandparents, childminders and nursery workers.

Public health is also the responsibility of local authorities, so PHE suggests they prioritise dental health, particularly in areas shown to have serious problems.

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