How to Approach Women With Boyfriend

You are in a bar all by yourself, nursing your drink and feeling bored when this hot chick walked in. All at once, you became alert, adrenalin starts pumping BUT alas your spirits dampen when you realize that she has company in the form of a male friend.

Does the above situation sounds familiar? I bet you can all relate to it. And I can also safely bet that this situation happens rather frequently. Ladies seldom frequent clubs solo. More often than not they are in the company of friends or more specifically there's usually a guy in tow!

Should you be discouraged by the mere fact that she is not alone? Hell, no! I'm going to show you a few ways to approach women who frequent a club with a guy. Before we go any further, I'd like to clarify a couple of things.
While it is all well and good to approach a girl who is in the company of a guy, I do not advocate trying to pick up a girl who is already with a 'steady' partner.

Trying to do that is akin to stirring up a hornet's nest! No guy like another guy to mess around with their girl. Therefore if you do that the result is very likely going to be very unpleasant.

Worst case, you start a brawl and end up getting hurt. So if that hot chick is lovey dovey with her partner, may I suggest that you look else where and remove her from your list of potential targets.

It is easy to spot couples even when they are in a group. Their body language will tell you if they are a couple. Some tell tale signs are that they usually sit closer together, lots of interaction between them, touching, holding hands, kissing and lots of gazing into each others eyes. On the other hand, if the girl is with a guy who is a casual friend, they usually sit further apart.

If you have ascertained that the guy is just a casual friend. The first thing to do is to make eye contact with her. Hold her gaze, smile and watch her reaction. Watch her body language closely. If she smiles back and occasionally steal glances your way, that's a good sign as it shows interest.

If she is interested, there is essentially two ways you can approach her. One way is to wait till she is alone. Seize the opportunity when the guy head for the gents or intercept her when she is on her way back from the ladies. The line you use as your opener does not matter. What matters is that it should get her attention and always aim to make her laugh.

Laughing will make her feel good and comfortable around you and this in turn will make her more receptive of you. If it is too noisy to have a decent conversation, ask her for a dance. Alternatively, you can get her number and arrange for a date at a later date.

If you approach her when she is at her table, it is more conducive for 1-1 interaction. When both of you are seated, it is naturally easier to focus on involving her in your interaction as opposed to if you approach her when she is standing or walking back to her table.

Keep conversation light and entertaining as the objective is to keep her interested and have her comfortable enough to part with her digits so that you can arrange to meet up at a later date. To make the most impact, keep the first encounter short and memorable so that she'd look forward to seeing you again.

The second way of approaching a girl who is in the company of others is with the help of a wing man. This strategy requires you to work in pairs. A wing man can be any one of your guy friends. A wing man's job is to distract her partner so that you can zoom in on your target. A word of caution when you have a wing man; both of you should have a common understanding and should technically not be interested in the same girl. 

Also Read This Article: How to Get a Girl's Phone Number?

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